Chairman Evan Power and Florida Republicans welcome Joe Biden to Florida

Welcome to Florida, home to nearly 1 million more registered Republicans than Florida Democrats!

President Biden should be on a listen and learn mission to Florida where he will discover we believe in parental rights, individual liberty, and school choice!

Floridians reject dangerous open borders and reckless inflationary policies that hurt our families and communities.

As Biden continues his Florida listen and learn tour, here are a few more:

  • In Florida we reject the socialist policies that marginalize kids from their parents.
  • We respect and support girls and women in sports.
  • Support for the rule of law is numero uno in Florida!
  • Florida is the most pro-Israel state in the U.S.
  • Florida is winning in protecting our environment and water quality. 
  • Unlike Delaware, Florida is governed by sound conservative fiscal policies that allow for lower taxes and NO STATE INCOME TAXES.
“Floridians top issues are immigration, the economy, and inflation, in all three areas Joe Biden has failed. Instead of coming to talk to Floridians about manufactured issues, he should get to work solving the real issues that he has failed to lead on. We also welcome him to learn from the successes that has made Florida a beacon of freedom for the rest of the Country.” – Chairman Evan Power